| PWL Sanitizing Booth.


1. Temperature Check using Infra-red

2. Auto Disinfection with Mist

3. Total time 5-6 seconds

For more details contact us: info@powerline-sa.com

pwl sanitizing booth
PWL Q32 sanitizing booth


PWL Q32 sanitizing booth


PWL Q32 sanitizing booth




Powerline are pleased to introduce a new product to present to our customers who care for the well-being of their employees and customers and want to protect their workplace from germs and viruses.  

How it works

  • A person enters in the booth. Person’s temperature is taken by infrared technology.
  • If a high temp. is detected then an alert alarm and light are activated.
  • If temp is normal then machine will ask the person to go next chamber.
  • In disinfection chamber the person is fogged with Salvesan by CanAm Scientific.
  • The complete process takes 5-6 sec.


Main Features

  • The photo of the person can be captured in temp check section.
  • The data (photo + temp reading) can be transferred to a control room via internet.
  • 15L tank can disinfect around 2000 people.
  • It only requires 600-800 watt power to operate.
  • Can be moved easily with built-in wheels.
  • Disinfectant Salvesan by CanAm Scientific (sold separately).
  • Booth Size: 2.3m x 1.25m x 2.4m (LxWxH).



  • PWL- Q33 – Without Temperature Detection. Only Sanitization option.
  • PWL- Q32 – With Temperature Detection and Sanitization options.


Additional Features

  • Enter & Exit Curtains for disinfection chamber.
  • Glass observation window.
  • Alert lightening devise.
  • Easy to move with wheels.
  • Data network upload function.
  • Picture capture.
  • Alarm for low water level.
  • Cross airflow.
  • Ultrasonic atomization disinfection system.
  • Onsite assembly in 2 hours.
  • Safe to use.
  • Voltage – 220V.
  • CE certified.
  • Size (L x W x H): 2.3m x 1.25m x 2.4m.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the disinfectant solution used for disinfection?

SALVESAN (HOCl) from CanAm Scientific which is Hypochlorous Acid Solution. It kills 99.9999% of harmful viruses, bacteria, germs and spores, such as Coronavirus, MERS, SARS, Influenzas, E-Coli, MRSA, C-Difficile, and Norovirus.

How long does it take for people to move through the channel for a temperature check and disinfection?
The passage rate of disinfection lasts 5-6 seconds per person.
Will the disinfection solution affect the health of people or their clothing?
SALVESAN (HOCl) is safe for humans, animals, and the environment. It’s a fully natural, non-toxic, and highly effective component of our own internal immune system that works to fight against infection and reduce inflammation. It is an electro-chemically engineered topical saline solution that mimics the defense mechanism of our own bodies.
How does one know if the machine has run out of the disinfection solution?
The alarm will sound to remind one if there is not enough solution.
How often does one need to perform maintenance?
Check and clean the filter every 4-6 days. Refill with the solution as needed.
Can one connect the machine to a computer and collect the data?
Yes – if one has internet then one can hook up the machine to a computer and print out the data.on.
What is the weight of the machine?
About 300kg/set.on.
How many units can be loaded in a container?
1×20’GP container can load 10 units. 1×40’HQ container can load 26 units.
What is the warranty?
Do you provide spare parts? One-year warranty (excluding worn-out parts)
Do you provide spare parts?
Yes –